Home Maintenance Schedule
Every home requires work to keep its value up and its problems solved. Taking care of your home early on can save you a lot of time and money in future costs, but where do you start? How will I know what needs my attention before it creates a problem? Having an understanding of the maintenance required to upkeep your home, alongside creating a regular maintenance schedule will help you manage your time and money to keep your home operating the way it should be. Ignoring the homes needs can spell disaster and leave you wading you way out of much deeper water down the road.
What is home maintenance?
All homes require internal and external maintenance as part of their regular upkeep. Keeping up on seasonal maintenance such as raking leaves and closing your pool is just the start; conducting cleanings and inspections of your home and home appliances will up ensure everything is safe and functional. Protecting your home's value and your financial future.
What is a home’s yearly maintenance?
Yearly home maintenance can be broken down by the season to make the task more manageable. Each home can have varying needs, but our yearly home maintenance list below will give you a strong foundation to start your own.
Spring Maintenance:
Clean up your grounds:
Remove any leaves remaining from fall, inspect your trees for any dead or falling branches, turn your exterior faucets back on, mulch your garden beds, put away your snow removal equipment and get your lawnmower ready.
Cleaning up your grounds, allows you to see if you are at risk for any damages, such as a tree branch falling on your house or car. Mulch will help keep the plants protected during drought and keep the new weeds at bay. Having your mowing equipment ready early allows time should it be in need of any repairs of its own.
Inspect the Outside of you Home:
Walk around the outside of your home and give everything a check. Are the gutters flowing properly? Is your concrete cracked or settled? Does the asphalt need to be resealed? Have your soil levels settled? Is your siding dirty? Do you own a pool? Is your chimney in need of some repair? Is your sprinkler system turned on and in working order?
Make a list of the things that you will need to tackle in order to keep your home functioning and safe.
Things like checking your gutters for clogs, catching concrete when it first cracks or settles, keeping soil levels elevated and house siding clean can save you money on damages caused by the improper water drainage and plant growth in the future. Tackling things like a deteriorating chimney or chipping paint can save you money on replacement in the future. Making a list in the spring is an important step to ensuring you have the time you will need to keep your home in great condition.
Inspect the Inside of Your Home:
Have your HVAC system inspected and cleaned. Ensure your sump pump is properly working and draining away from your home. Give your plumbing a once over to be sure nothing is leaking or in need of repair. Test all the detectors in your home to be sure they are in working order, replace the batteries or detector if not. If you will need to hire a professional service to help with any projects, this is a good time of year to get in touch with someone.
Having your HVAC system serviced and cleaned regularly helps you avoid things like failing heat and A/C. Inspecting plumbing can save you from water damage and is especially important to do after the cold of winter has left to ensure no pipes have cracked at the exterior of the home. Maintaining your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors keeps your home safe.
Summer Maintenance:
Summer is a time for enjoying your home and your hobbies with very little maintenance to do. During these months, however, is when most exterior work is completed. You may want to worry about the weekend BBQ and not about home maintenance but making sure your homes projects are tackled will ensure your home is in shape for the cold months on the horizon.
Making sure your concrete and asphalt were maintained will help them against the winter snow and salt. Ensuring your roof is in good condition and facia is painted will protect you from water damage and wood rot. Make sure you to communicate with any professional service you may have hired early on to ensure you make the schedule to have your home repaired during the summer working months.
Fall Maintenance:
Once again, we clean up our grounds:
Rake the leaves from your grounds. Clear your garden beds of any plants that have died. Get your lawnmower winter ready.
Removing the layer of leaves scattered over your lawn will ensure the grass beneath doesn’t become smothered, giving you a healthier lawn come spring. Clearing your garden beds of dead and fallen plants will give the new spring growth room to grow.
Inspect the Outside of the Home:
Be sure to give the outside of your home a good look. Are the gutters still flowing and free of clogs from leaves? Is the driveway sealed and ready for the winter salt? Is your sprinkler system inspected and turned off? Is it time to close up your pool?
Inspecting the outside of your home in the Fall season will ensure you home will survive the winter months. Freeing your gutters of leaves will prevent overflow in the spring thaw. A coating of sealer on the driveway will protect it from deterioration from salt used to melt the snow.
Inspect the Inside of the Home:
Fall is a good time to revisit your HVAC system to be certain it is in proper working condition. Be sure your chimney is clean and ready for use. Have your dryer vent cleaned out. This is also a good time of year to be in touch with any contractors you will be hiring for interior work in the colder months.
Making sure you HVAC system is cleaned and in working condition will prevent loss of heat during the colder months when your furnace is working its hardest. Having your chimney and dryer vents cleaned out is important to remove build up and prevent house fires. Getting in touch with your contractor today to schedule you interior service will ensure your home project is completed before it is time to start a new year.
Winter Maintenance:
Winter is a season for hunkering down. The weather is often too cold and unpredictable to tackle major home projects. If you have followed seasonal guidelines, this is a time to sit back, relax, and wait for warmer days! Developing your own maintenance schedule and staying out top of it will keep your home looking great and you mind at ease.
As Always,
We appreciate you taking the time to read, and hope that you will enjoy visiting our guide. Stop by often to stay up to date on our latest home repair and maintenance tips. As always, whether you subscribe or just send an email, we would love to hear from you! Tell us about your own experiences, the projects you have, and what you want to explore next!
This guide had me swapping my tool belt for a celebratory cocktail! As someone who usually views upkeep as a synonym for endless weekend chores, this article’s practical tips and proactive approach have transformed my fixer-upper into a forever home, ready to stand the test of time (and my DIY skills)!
Daniel Williams on